3. Motivation is the alpha and omega


When learning a language you need to be motivated. Every person who learns a language has a moptivation that comes automatically. The motivation, however, can vary and is responsible for your learning success.


A private motivation is the best. If you learn a language, because a person you like speaks it and you want to communicate with this person, you'll have the highest motivation. You'll also be motivated, if you'll learn a language for work purposes. But it is important to know, for whom you are learning the language. If you learn for yourself, for collegues or your working routine, the motivation is high. If you learn only because someoine tells you you have to and you don't even see the point, the learning success becomes more complicated. You always have to make sure, that the motivation for learning a language remains positive, because pressure never helped anyone.


The lessons are structured for learners to learn with fun. We laugh, we make jokes, we don't take ourselves seriously at some points. We will receive learning success in a playful matter and the relaxed atmosphere helps with motivation.